the Way here/ua/2012/200x200 sm/c-oil/
Hебо над Украиной./Heaven above Ukraine/ 2010-2014/70x80sm/
UA/West-East/War/City/ 2014/ 70x100 sm/ paper/ acr
Ангел-хранитель/2014/ 100x40sm/wood-oil/
Movement/ua/ 2014/ 110x110sm/
Катя.3 дня до /120x100sm/2013
Cмерти больше нет.100x140sm. c/o 2010
THERE IS EXIT/2013/инсталяция/«Введение в многомерное. Шаг 29»ЕрмиловЦентр
100 exits 1990-2012 200x200sm
Septembers wind. 2009 /80x160sm/c-o/
Libia/40x50 sm/acr.paper/2011
About Real soviet man / 1988 /70x100sm
God and people / 1986 / 60x80sm /
Mothers shoes /1986 /c-oil/
Край/ Brink / 1988 / х/м, 50x40sm /
Garden-travel to the Brink / 1989 /70X80sm/ c-o/
ENTER- EXIT 1 / 1990 /70x70sm
Birthday / 1991 / 60X80sm
Vermeers girl..in Time / 1991 /70X90sm
Enter in Past / 1989-1990 / 40 X 50 sm /
Babysiter.Try find exit /1991 /70x100sm
Vermeers Girl in Time2 / 2010 / 80x100 sm/ c-o/
100 conditions of the Brink / 1992 /100x130sm/ c-oil/
Looking for Exit / 1993 /50x60 sm
movement /1994 / 50x50 sm
Big Passage / 1993 /60x 80sm
SunSet-MoonRise / 1990 / 60X80sm
100 condtitions of the Brink /2010 /100X120sm/ c -o /
LESIA- new vision / 1992 /70x70 sm
Spring constraction of multyspaces 2/ 1995 / 120x160 sm/ c -oil/
Horisonts of memory /1990-1997/ 100x70 sm/c-oil/
Under missory sky /1997 / piano-oil
Spring-ENTER /1994/60x80sm
Corner of choise /1998 /60 80 sm
Lovekeeper /1999 / 50x60sm /
CORNER of choise/ 2009 / 90 x200sm/
Выставка/Дни Победы-Ночи Войны./ 1945-2005/
The begining war / 2005 /70x100 sm
FEAR/ 2005/120X156sm/c-oil
Смертельна раненый/70x100sm/canvas-oil/2005
Mоряк Мишка1944/100x250sm/ oil-cardboard/2005
Germany sniper /2005/ 70x100sm
9may1945- VictoryDay.Berlin /2005 /200x300sm/ c-oil
Победа1975/200x300sm/canvas -oil/2005
Stirlits&Cat /9may / 2005 / 60x85sm/c-oil/
Chkalovs flight /for order/ 2003/ 100x140sm/c-oil/
Artek1935/ by photo for order/ 2005/100x70 sm/
Olimpic team training.Italy /Order by photo /2005/ 100x150sm/c-oil
Soviet girl.Grow up/ illustration for playboy/ 2003 /40x60 sm
COPY Deyneka / with Putin/ 2005 /120x150sm/c -oil/
COPY Engr - / for order /2003/100x160sm
COPY Climt / 1989 /80x110sm
My mother 23 years old/ 1987/ 30x50sm
COPY Vermeer /for order /2007/55x45sm/ c-oil/
Bikers portet /2010/ 55x40sm/ c-acrilic/
Фамиль Самедов, d=120, двп, эмаль
Blackmore/ POP-UA projekt / 2000 /120-90sm/c-oil/
KATIA-HELLO WORHOL / 2000 / 60X90 sm
ПОКУРИМ ЕЩЁ! .2007. 60X80sm
Manet.Evolution/ order for golf-club / 2009 /60x100sm
Автопортрет / Self portet, 2010, 90-60 sm, acril, paper
What to do?/ 2006-2011/ 70X100sm
My FIRST BIKE / handmade/ 50x70 sm / 2010/can/oil
RIDERS&BIKERS /60/90sm/ 2011/